Ham Radio Deluxe 5.24 Download


Ham Radio Deluxe – Last Free Version Available for Download Here Ham Radio Deluxe – Last Free Version Available for Download Here I am a huge fan of Simon Brown’s Ham Radio Deluxe. I’ve been using it for close to a decade and am still learning new things it will do. I recently upgraded to. A simple ham radio 2 meter and 70 cm antenna for f. Learn how to remove Ham Radio Deluxe Version from your computer. About Ham Radio Deluxe 5.24.38 Download The resource is currently listed in in 3 categories. Ham Radio Deluxe User Manual Page 127. Download Ham Radio Deluxe 6.7.0 Build 275. Be necessary in in Windows for Windows.

1. Elecraft K2 Pre-Selector Mod
This document shows you how to modify a K2 to enable connection of a pre-selector.
PDF-Dokument [634.9 KB]

Ham Radio Deluxe 5.0 Free

2. QSK Platine, by DL7AV
This document [in German] describes how to build a time-sequence keying device for keying older non-QSK amplifiers with newer full-BK (QSK) transceivers.
QSK-Platine DL7AV.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.3 MB]
3. Ten-Tec AIRPAX Circuit Breakers
This document contains a description of the Model 1170 as used in the 50w rigs like the Argosy, and the Model 1140 as used in the 100w rigs like the Corsair or Omni V.
Airpax Circuit breakers.pdf
PDF-Dokument [759.2 KB]
4. TEN-TEC Model 318 Relay Mod
This modification replaces the (loud) relay oft he Model 318 with a transistor. It also isolates Pin-8 of the two accessory jacks from each other and adds bandspread to the delay adjustment.
Model 318 Relay Mod.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]

Ham Radio Deluxe 5.24 Download

This document was originally from K1POO. Notes, arrows and comments added by DJ0IP
PDF-Dokument [358.2 KB]
6. TEN-TEC Model 238/229 Caps Mod
This is Ron's (N6IE) mod to these matchboxes in a PDF file.
Modification to the Ten Tec 238 caps.pdf
PDF-Dokument [289.6 KB]

Ham Radio Deluxe 5.24 Download - Final Free Version For Pc

7. Simple Semi-BK for the Eagle
Here is a simple Semi-Break-In circuit you can build for about $5 worth of common resistors, transistors, capacitors and a diode.
Semi-BK for the Eagle.pdf
PDF-Dokument [400.9 KB]

Ham Radio Deluxe


Ham Radio Deluxe 5.24 Download - Full Free Version

8. 40m Tunable Preselector by DL7AV
Here is the original article from CQ DL magazine describing the 40m tunable preselector which I built (about 1977) and used until present.
40m Preselector by DL7AV.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.3 MB]